美国《诗殿堂》 汉英双语诗刊征稿启事
本帖最后由 水中山 于 2018-9-24 19:37 编辑《诗殿堂》 诗刊征稿启事
1.《诗殿堂》刊登高端诗作,注重思想内涵及艺术形式俱佳、真情实感的诗作,包括现当代诗、古体诗,以及近体诗, 论诗探美的优秀文章等均在选稿之列。
3. 本刊栏目:1) 新诗苑:刊登各类新诗,尤其是二十行内的短诗。2) 古风堂:刊登今人所写的中国古体诗和近体诗。3) 诗人介绍:重点介绍一位诗人,附该诗人的作品若干。4) 诗论台:刊登创作体会、诗论诗评(一千五百字以内为宜),诗歌理论以及少量美学论述(两千五百字以内为宜)。
4.注意事项1) 请不要一稿多投。投稿本刊的作品,文责投稿者自负。2) 投稿不超过十首,录用最多四首;诗论诗评以一篇为限。3) 来稿请用Microsoft Word格式。4) 来稿可自附稿件的英译版(本刊保留修改权),亦可单投中文版(由本刊负责翻译)。5) 鼓励作者附120字以内的个人简介。6) 审稿期为三周,其他类别的作品审稿期一个月左右。逾期未接到录用通知,作者可自行处理所投稿件。7) 《诗殿堂》第二期以会员为主,非会员为辅,故入会会员的稿件享有优先被审、同质先用的权利。 请参阅“华人诗学会章程”(poetryh.com)“第二章:会员权利和义务”获取更多信息。
5.声明1) 本刊主要为社会各界,尤其是北美及两岸三地华人提供优秀作品的发表平台,不提供稿酬。2) 投稿本刊,即表示授予本刊发表权,并同意本刊征文所述各项条款。3) 由本刊翻译的英文版版权属于本刊,转载需注明下列字样:“原载《诗殿堂》X年X月X日第X期”。
华人诗学会 《诗殿堂》 2018年9月16日
华诗会入会邀请“华人诗学会”,简称“华诗会”,注册于美国芝加哥。本会以学习、研究、交流诗学为动力,以弘扬中国诗文化为己任,以纸质诗刊《诗殿堂》和纸质诗集为媒介,用汉英双语向世界推介今人所写的包括现当代诗、古体诗,以及近体诗在内的中国诗为宗旨。现诚挚邀请世界各地(尤其是美国、加拿大、中国)的华语诗人、诗爱好者、诗评家、汉英翻译家入会。本会属于非营利性组织,不收会费。凡年满18周岁以上不论国籍为何身在何方者,只要同意本会章程,填写入会申请表格,都可以申请入会。华诗会严格保护会员所提供的个人信息。 有意参加者,请发一个电子邮件到下面邮箱里。邮件中请写上:“我愿意参加华诗会”,以及你的真实姓名。 另外,我们正在为双语诗刊下一期征稿,发意愿邮件时可将投稿诗文顺便发给我们。 华诗会邀请华诗会会员邮箱:cpa@poetryh.com
创刊词 网络的出现,便利了文字在虚拟世界的即时发表;文字得以在虚拟世界即时发表,又催生了诗文词赋的蓬勃复兴;诗文词赋的蓬勃复兴,又反过来触发了大量纸质诗刊的诞生。但是,与此形成鲜明对比的是,海外华人世界的诗人虽然不乏其人,而纸质诗刊却难以寻觅。值此,有一个自己的诗作发表平台,是海外华人时不可待、迫在眉睫的事。为此,我们创立了这份诗刊。 《诗殿堂》,是一份非营利性诗刊,她旨在为全球华人,尤其是海外华人提供一个发表优秀高端诗作的平台;《诗殿堂》,是一份汉诗英译的汉英双语杂志,她旨在用汉英双语向全球华语世界以及西语世界推介优秀高端的华语诗作。《诗殿堂》的选稿原则是,择优录用;《诗殿堂》的办刊特色是,汉诗英译、汉英双语同步登载。《诗殿堂》的理念是:诗为心声。我们推崇发自肺腑,言之有物,形象生动,意境深远的诗文。 中国诗史源远流长,自首部诗书《诗经》面世以来,已有两千五百年左右的历史。这其间,星移斗转,诗的形式发生了诸多变化,主要有自由随性的古体诗,格律严谨的近体诗,以及由现代汉语触发的现代诗。为多面呈现中国的诗文化,本刊以新创作的现当代诗为主,新创作的古体诗和近体诗为辅,接受任何形式、任何流派的语言清新、内容积极的优秀、高端作品。 梅香浸苦寒,锋利出磨砺。 笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。 让我们牢记这些古训,共同努力,办出一份名副其实的好诗刊。 《诗殿堂》2018年9月1日 Preface to the Debut Issue The invention of the internet has facilitated instant online posting. This has catalyzed the revival of poetry writing, which has furthermore revitalized the rapid emergence of poetry magazines. As a contrast, however, overseas Chinese overall are still dormant to this new burgeoning, although there is no lack of poets among them. Therefore, it’s a demand of time for them to set up a platform of their own to publish their poems. Hence this poetry journal. Poetry Hall is a none-profitable journal that aims at providing a platform for all Chinese, especially for all overseas Chinese, to publish their well or excellently written poems; Poetry Hall is a Chinese and English bilingual journal that aims at introducing well or excellently written Chinese poetry, in both Chinese and English, to the Chinese language world and to the English language world. Our criterion for selecting contribution is quality; our specialty is bilingual, using both Chinese and English to publish poems. Our philosophy is: Poetry is the voice from the heart. Therefore, we advocate poetry that comes from the bottom of poets’ hearts, that is rich in substance, and that conjures up vivid images and suggests cherished artistic conception. China has a long history of poetry writing. It has been about two thousand five hundred years since its first poetry book The Book of Songs came out. During this period, just like stars never stay still, the Chinese poetic forms have undergone some changes, from the free tonal-patterned classical poetry, to the strictly tonal-patterned classical poetry, and finally to the modern-Chinese-language-engendered modern poetry. To present multifaceted perspectives of Chinese poetic culture, Poetry Hall accepts the contribution of all well and excellently written poems that are fresh in language and active in content, regardless of their forms and genres, with the focus on newly written modern or contemporary Chinese poems, along with newly created free tonal-patterned and strictly tonal-patterned classical poems. Plum blossoms emit scent in cold weather; A sword sharpened through repeated stoning. A good wording conjures up wind and rain, A great poem moves gods and immortals. Let’s translate into practice these ancient Chinese poetic maxims and strive together, to make the journal worthy its name. Poetry Hall, September 1, 2018