混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2021年第4期 (总第104期)目录
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Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual)
Volume 104 (Number 4, 2021) Contents
创刊日期:公元1995年5月8日 出版日期:公元2021年11月8日
编者按:A. 本期主力翻译家有:张智中教授、颜海峰教授、石永浩教授、李正栓教授、丁立群教授、樱娘、童天鉴日博士、马婷婷、林巧儿、张紫涵、沙英莫、冉瑞峡、陈进、杨宗泽、萧逸帆、张琼、齐凤艳、陆峰、张智博士,Job Degenaar,Willem Groenewegen, Dlovan Ali,Sâlmà El Naîmï,Dragoş Barbu,Жерноклетова А. Д,Elisabetta Bagli,Брент О.Ян,Antonia Petrone等;
B. 本期涉及的语种有汉语、英语、荷兰语、意大利语、日语、法语、乌克兰语、俄语等。
Rendition of International Poetry QuarterlyVOLUME 104 缪斯信箱 POET’ S MAIL-BOXLidia Chiarelli (Italia意大利)/致本刊的一封信 4第十九届黎巴嫩国际文学奖评选揭晓/IPTRC 4意大利“2021梅莱托国际诗歌奖”评选揭晓/IPTRC 39阿尔巴尼亚英文版《2022年阿图尼斯国际诗选》出版/IPTRC 10中英对照《王猛仁诗选》(王猛仁 著;张智中 译)出版/IPTRC 26《非马汉英双语诗选》(非马 著)出版/IPTRC 30中英对照诗集《生命》(王晓露 著;木樨颜 王舒怡 译)出版/IPTRC 35中英对照《巅峰对决——梁氏短诗六十三首》(梁氏诗行 著;张紫涵 译)出版/IPTRC47 特别推荐 SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONSJob Degenaar(Netherlands荷兰)/Pandemic days (and other two poems) Inside Front Cover 封二Michela Zanarella (Italia意大利)/Italy (and other twopoems) 5Muhabbat YULDASHEVA (Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦)/Stars (and anotherpoem) 6徐春芳XU Chunfang (中国China)/诗四首4つの詩 7 国际诗坛 INTERNATIONAL POETRYLiza LEYLA (Belgium比利时)/A PeaceDream (and other three poems) 9SantoshKumar Pokharel (Nepal尼泊尔/Your Light Wasn’t There (and other four poems) 11PeshawaKakayi (Iraq伊拉克)/I Want To Be the Son ofNature (and another poem) 14非马William Marr (美国USA)/非马诗选Selected Poems Of William Marr 15MusakunAsangulovich (Kyrgyz Republic吉尔吉斯共和国)/World of the Cemetery! (and another poem) 19Manfred Malzahn (Germany德国)/Minefield (and other two poems) 20Anita Pešić (Serbia塞尔维亚)/Invocation (and other two poems) 21王猛仁WANG Mengren (中国China)/蓝莲花(外六首)Blue Lotus Flowers (and other six poems) 23Dragoş Barbu (Romania罗马尼亚)/Haiku (group poems) 27Babiychuk Oleksandra (Ukraine乌克兰)/Untitled (and other four poems) 28刘李胜Лю Лишэн (中国Китай)/诗3首3стихотворений 31王晓露WANG Xiaolu (西班牙Spain)/生命(组诗)Life(group poems) 32Hannie Rouweler(Netherlands荷兰)/Donkere nacht 36NADIA-Cella Pop(Romania罗马尼亚)/The Empty Window (and other two poems) 36 中国诗人 POETS IN CHINA蔡丽双CHOI Lai Sheung (香港Hong Kong)/随想(组章)Random Thoughts (group poems) 38王爱红WANG Aihong (北京Beijing)/状态State of mine 39沈宥钧SHEN Youjun (新疆Sinkiang)/黄河有沙(外一首) The Yellow River Boasts Sand (and another poem) 40朱立坤ZHU Likun (湖南Hunan)/有关死亡的几种意象(外一首)A Few Images of Death (and another poem) 40段光安DUAN Guang’an (天津Tianjin)/蝉未完成的交响曲(外一首)The Symphony Not Finished by the Cicada (and another poem) 41梁氏诗行Liang-style Poetry (广西Guangxi)/流逝(外六首)Elapse (and other six poems) 41方文竹FANG Wenzhu (安徽Anhui)/一分钟的快乐A Minute of Happiness 44李龙炳LI Longbing (四川Sichuan)/甜蜜的火车A Sweet Train 44王峰WANG Feng (山东Shandong)/另一种眼光(外二首)Another Sight (and other two poems) 44张卓阅ZHANG Zhuoyue (重庆Chongqing)/囚禁(外一首)Imprisonment (and another poem) 46秦风QIN Feng (四川Sichuan)/霍城:不负边城不负香Huocheng County: a Fragrant Border Town 46许泽夫XU Zefu (安徽Anhui)/再致铁轨Again to the Rail 47卡囊瓦•蕃东Khanangwa Bodung(青海Qinghai)/你的双手Your Hands 48木兰Mu Lan (重庆Chongqing)/航标灯(外一首)Beacon Light (and another poem) 48文榕Wen Rong (香港Hong Kong)/那树繁花The Full-blown Flowers of That Tree 49哑柳Ya Liu (河南Henan)/撕裂的云团(外一首)The Torn Cloud (and another poem) 49邓攀峰DENG Panfeng (陕西Shaanxi)/沉思三则Meditation (3 poems) 50李潮蕴LI Chaoyun (吉林Jilin)/语或言(外二首)Language and Utterances (and other two poems) 50沙浪Sha Lang (香港Hong Kong)/青涩之恋Rookie’s Romance 52樱娘Madam Cherry (辽宁Liaoning)/妒意(外一首)Jealousy(and another poem) 52乔浩QIAO Hao (安徽Anhui)/我与世界(外二首)The World and I (and other two poems) 53蒋立波JIANG Libo (浙江Zhejiang)/冬日来临(外一首)Winter Is Here (and another poem) 54 一邦诗人—意大利 POETS FROM ONE NATION—ITALIALidia Chiarelli (Italia意大利)/Lighton the Walls of Life (and other three poems) 55Claudia Piccinno (Italia意大利)/Al davanzale di Dio (e altre due poesie) 57Antonia Petrone (Italia-USA意大利-美国)/Darksky shine your light (and other three poems) 57Elisabetta Bagli(Italia意大利)/Origin (and other three poems) 59 一诗多译 MULTI-VERSIONS OF A POEM西可Xi Ke (中国China)/西部大山中的客栈(外一首)GuestHouse in the Western Mountains (and another poem) 61 大家评论 MASTER CRITICS周端庄ZHOU Duanzhuang (中国China)/诗六首Six Poems 66邹明珠ZOU Mingzhu (爱尔兰Ireland)/夜读周端庄的诗Night Reading of the Poems byZhou Duanzhuang 68 世界诗讯 WORLD POETRY NEWSImportant News/《世界诗人书库》(双语对照)征稿启事 70Notice Inviting “The Archive Centre for International Poets”/本刊信息室 71中英对照《帝国诗丛》征稿启事/本刊信息室 71《国际诗歌翻译》稿约Notice of Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly to Contributors/本刊编辑部 72《国际诗歌翻译》季刊订阅表/本刊编辑部 72 中外画家 INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS高福海GAO Fuhai (中国China)/Inside Back Cover 封三 名家风采 PROFILES OF PERSONAGE Lidia Chiarelli (Italia意大利)/Front Cover 封面Job Degenaar (Netherlands荷兰)/Inside Front Cover 封二非马William Marr (美国USA)/Back Cover 封底BabiychukOleksandra (Ukraine乌克兰)/Back Cover 封底Santosh Kumar Pokharel (Nepal尼泊尔)/Back Cover 封底Peshawa Kakayi (Iraq伊拉克)/ Back Cover 封底Anita Pešić (Serbia塞尔维亚)/Back Cover 封底王猛仁WANG Mengren (中国China)/Back Cover 封底Antonia Petrone (Italia-USA意大利-美国)/BackCover 封底王晓露WANG Xiaolu (西班牙Spain)/Back Cover 封底