混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2022年第2期 (总第106期)目录
混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2022年第2期 (总第106期)目录Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual)Volume106 (Number 2, 2022) Contents创刊日期:公元1995年5月8日 出版日期:公元2022年5月8日 编者按:A. 本期主力翻译家有:张智中教授、石永浩教授、李正栓教授、颜海峰教授、丁立群教授、樱娘、童天鉴日博士、马婷婷、林巧儿、张琼教授、吴春晓教授、赵曼、谭啸天、赵宜忠、张紫涵、邢怡教授、程彦钧、曙磐、姜国会、巩晓迪、陈芳芳、张雪、车邻、张智博士,Muna Zinati,Roger Eriksson,Peter Tase,Murat Yurdakul,Liza LEYLA等;B. 本期涉及的语种有汉语、英语、瑞典语、土耳其语、法语、荷兰语、日语等。 国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC) 混语版《国际诗歌翻译》杂志社 Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly VOLUME 106 缪斯信箱 POET’ S MAIL-BOXBokförlaget Wanzhi出版社(Sweden瑞典)/致本刊的一封信 4PRIZES 2021: The International Best Poets & Translators, IPTRC/IPTRC4阿联酋大型英文诗选《World Poetry Tree》(《世界诗歌之树》)出版/IPTRC 63瑞典语诗集《Duan Guang’an dikter i urval》(段光安 著)出版/IPTRC8中英对照诗集《苍耳垂风》(王鸣久 著;张紫涵 译)出版/IPTRC 64阿拉伯语诗集《نخب السم》(野鬼 著;محمدمحمد اللوزي 译)出版/IPTRC 45意大利名刊《POMEZIA-NOTIZIE》译介中国诗人/IPTRC 15 特别推荐 SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONSCaroline ‘Ceri Naz’ Nazareno-Gabis (Philippines菲律宾)/Gaia’s Strokes (andanother poem) Inside Front Cover 封二Hussein Habasch (Germany德国)/Five women in blackscarves (and other two poems) 5Norbert Góra (Poland波兰)/Frosty whiteness(and another poem) 6段光安DUAN Guang’an (中国Kina) /活在手机里(外三首)leva i mobile (ochandra tre dikter) 7 国际诗坛 INTERNATIONAL POETRYMurat Yurdakul (Turkey土耳其)/Return(and other three poems) 9Agron Shele (Albania- Belgium阿尔巴尼亚-比利时)……God12Subash Singh Parajuli (Nepal尼泊尔)/Refugee(and another poem) 12张烨Zhang Ye (中国Çin)/张烨的诗五首Zhang Ye’den Beş Şiir 14Ahmed Ramadan (Iraq伊拉克)/A fixedhour in time… An hour Unlike Time … (and another poem) 16Francisco Muñoz Soler (Spain西班牙)/Thewife of Lot (and other two poems) 18徐春芳XU Chunfang (中国China)/历史变奏曲(外三首)HistoryVariations (and other three poems) 19Eduard Harents (Armenia亚美尼亚)/Although(and other five poems) 20Aaron Anthony Vessup (USA美国)/Mainland(and another poem) 23海澜Elaine Yu (加拿大Canada)/林中幽径(外二首)ThePath (and other two poems) 23Manuela Mazzola (Italy意大利)/Into thenet (and another poem) 25王鸣久WANG Mingjiu (中国China)/千年破壳(外七首)Thousand-YearShell Breaking (and other seven poems) 26Peter Nyberg (Sweden瑞典)/Cropping30Pedro Licona (Colombia哥伦比亚)/Our voicehas never gone (and another poem) 30 中国诗人 POETS IN CHINA马蒂尔MA Dier (福建Fujian)/清明(外一首)PureBrightness (and another poem) 32胡弦HU Xian (江苏Jiangsu)/花园(外一首)The Garden(and another poem) 33朱立坤ZHU Likun (湖南Hunan)/母亲坟头AtMother’s Grave 33云松Yun Song (山东Shandong)/一只喜鹊落在树下(组诗)AMagpie Alighted under a Tree (group poems) 34沈宥钧SHEN Youjun (新疆Sinkiang)/外太空的男同时代TheGay Age in the Outer Space 36罗启晁LUO Qichao (江西Jiangxi)/一片树叶就是一只小鸟A leaf Is a Bird 36木兰Mu Lan (重庆Chongqing) /沙漠胡杨(外一首)DesertPopulus Euphratica (and another poem) 37潘洗尘PAN Xichen (云南Yunnan)/清明(外二首)PureBrightness (and other two poems) 37卓兮ZUO Xi (四川Sichuan)/旧物古物 39蔡立敏CAI Limin (福建Fujian)/时光中的树(外四首)TheTree in the Time(and other fourpoems) 39李志亮LI Zhiliang (河南Henan)/新作九首NinePoems 42邓攀峰DENG Panfeng (陕西Shaanxi/生活三则Life(three poems) 46曹天CAO Tian (河南Henan)/末世判决(外一首)Judgmentat the End of the Century (and another poem) 47王爱红WANG Aihong (北京Beijing)/曼德尔施塔姆(外一首)Mandelstam(and another poem) 48张卓阅ZHANG Zhuoyue (重庆Chongqing)/我的爸爸真讨厌MyDad is a Real Headache 49贺建飞HE Jianfei (贵州Guizhou)/我想要你的躯体(外一首)IWant Your Body (and another poem) 49 一邦诗人—土耳其 POETS FROM ONE NATION—TURKEYBejan Matur (Turkey土耳其)/theworld is still beautiful (and other two poems) 50HaydarErgülen (Turkey土耳其)/My Neck, a Waste Land (andother four poems) 54SafiyeCan (Turkey土耳其)/Love in Lockdown (and otherthree poems) 57 一诗多译MULTI-VERSIONS OF A POEM王猛仁WANG Mengren (中国China)/题潇琴同名国画(组诗)Inscription onTraditional Chinese Paintings with the Same Title (group poems) 60 大家评论 MASTER CRIT ICSMuylaertEliza (Belgium比利时)/«Transversale scandinave»,Édition «Passages d'encre», France 64米介Mi Jie (中国China)/新写实主义诗歌探索之路的简略回顾A Brief Reviewof the Probing Path of New Realism Poetry 65 世界诗讯 WORLD POETRY NEWSImportant News/《世界诗人书库》(双语对照)征稿启事 70Notice Inviting “The Archive Centre for International Poets”/本刊信息室 71中英对照《帝国诗丛》征稿启事/本刊信息室 71《国际诗歌翻译》稿约Notice of Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly to Contributors/本刊编辑部 72《国际诗歌翻译》季刊订阅表/本刊编辑部 72 中外画家 INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS孙元国SUN Yuanguo (中国China)/Inside Back Cover 封三 名家风采 PROFILES OF PERSONAGE Bejan Matur (Turkey土耳其)/Front Cover 封面Caroline ‘Ceri Naz’ Nazareno-Gabis (Philippines菲律宾)/Inside Front Cover 封二Eduard Harents (Armenia亚美尼亚)/Back Cover封底李志亮LI Zhiliang (中国China)/Back Cover 封底HaydarErgülen (Turkey土耳其)/Back Cover 封底NorbertGóra (Poland波兰) /Back Cover 封底AhmedRamadan (Iraq伊拉克)/Back Cover 封底SubashSingh Parajuli (Nepal尼泊尔)/Back Cover 封底Safiye Can (Turkey土耳其)/Back Cover封底王鸣久WANG Mingjiu (中国China)/Back Cover 封底