混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2022年第4期 (总第108期)目录
本帖最后由 野鬼DIABLO 于 2022-9-4 10:10 编辑混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2022年第4期 (总第108期)目录Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual)Volume108(Number 4, 2022) Contents创刊日期:公元1995年5月8日 出版日期:公元2022年11月8日
编者按:A. 本期主力翻译家有:张智中教授、石永浩教授、李正栓教授、丁立群教授、颜海峰教授、张琼教授、樱娘、马婷婷、林巧儿、童天鉴日博士、姜国会博士、吴春晓、谭啸天、程彦钧、曙磐、陈芳芳、考斐、张紫涵、王国己、杨宗泽、张智博士,Murat Yurdakul,Aida Pedrina,DanielMayer,Robert Kissel,Rokiah Hashim,Daniela Andonovska-Trajkovska,Diana Botoaca,Emanuela Bușoi等;B. 本期涉及的语种有汉语、英语、法语、土耳其语、罗马尼亚语、俄语、塞尔维亚语、马来语等。
国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC) 混语版《国际诗歌翻译》杂志社
Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly VOLUME 108
缪斯信箱 POET’ S MAIL-BOXEldar Akhadov 俄罗斯]/致本刊的一封信 4Adel Khozam 阿联酋]/致本刊的一封信 4第二十届黎巴嫩国际文学奖评选揭晓/IPTRC 4中英对照诗集《爱在岁岁轮回》(茶山青 著;马婷婷 译)出版/IPTRC 4英文版《ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY 2023》出版/IPTRC112022年度俄罗斯国际原创文学奖评选揭晓/IPTRC 21北马其顿《СОВРЕМЕНИ ДИЈАЛОЗИ》文化杂志译介中国诗人/IPTRC 49
特别推荐 SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS乔浩Qiao Hao [中国China]/深秋的夜晚(外二首)The Night in LateAutumn (and other two poems) Inside Front Cover 封二Mammadov Sahib Aziz Oglu 阿塞拜疆]/About friends (andother three poems) 5马蒂尔Ma Dier [中国Çin]/马蒂尔的诗五首Ma Dier’den Beş Şiir 7
国际诗坛 INTERNATIONAL POETRYBozena Helena Mazur-Nowak 波兰]/Howcan I tell you, son? (and other three poems) 9Rahim Karim 吉尔吉斯斯坦]/Appleson Snow (and other two poems) 11中岛Zhong Dao [中国Çin]/中岛的诗五首ZhongDao Nakashima’dan Beş Şiir 12Domenico Defelice 意大利]/GoldenApril (and other three poems) 15Душан Гојков [Србија塞尔维亚]/избеглица17 Edna Aphek 以色列]/ForHe Will Come (and other three poems) 17Bejan Matur 土耳其]/SonDüşman (ve başka bir şiir) 19Ram Krishna Singh印度]/Nirvana20Jeton Kelmendi 阿尔巴尼亚-比利时]/I’mWaiting for You 20段光安Duan Guang’an [中国China]/我们这些石头(外二首)Batu–Batuini (dan puisi lain) 21Maria do Sameiro Barroso 葡萄牙]/Stagesof Shadow 22Rehmat Changaizi 巴基斯坦]/Sandand her hands (and other four poems) 22Yuan Changming 加拿大]/Awaiting(and other three poems) 25Ali Al-Hazmi 沙特阿拉伯]/SheLost the Keys to Her Desire 26Ion-Marius Tatomir 罗马尼亚/英国]/Again(and other three poems) 27徐春芳Xu Chunfang [中国China]/所见(外三首)WhatMeets the Eye (and other three poems) 30Abdulloh Abdumominov 乌兹别克斯坦]/Talestold by my mother 32Monsif Beroual 摩洛哥]/Writinga Song for the World (and other three pomes) 32
中国诗人 POETS IN CHINA唐诗Tang Shi [重庆Chongqing]/我喜欢乌鸦(外三首)ILove Crows (and other three poems) 34朱立坤Zhu Likun [湖南Hunan]/旅行者(外一首)ATraveler (and another poem) 35邓攀峰Deng Panfeng [陕西Shaanxi]/两次照镜子的鸟(外一首)The BirdChecked itself in the Mirror Twice (and another poem) 36王舒漫Wang Shuman [上海Shanghai]/我是落在你肩上的梦蝶吗?Am Ithe Butterfly on Your Shoulder? 36蒋宜茂Jiang Yimao [重庆Chongqing]/我惦念她的冬天(外五首)I Yearnfor Her Winter (and other five poems) 37沈宥钧Shen Youjun [新疆Xinjiang]/我在光芒上等兄弟Onthe Light, I’m Waiting for My Brother 40蒋默Jiang Mo [四川Sichuan]/河流简史(外二首)BriefHistory of a River (and other two poems) 40南兮Nan Xi [广西Guangxi]/穿过爱情花园(外六首)Throughthe Garden of Love (and other six poems) 42何军林He Junlin [重庆Chongqing]/走进青神(组诗)Walkinginto Qingshen (group poems) 46樱娘Madam Cherry [辽宁Liaoning]/死神如是说Sosaid Death 49林之云Cloud above Forest [山东Shandong]/名片(外二首)NameCard (and other two poems) 50木兰Mu Lan [重庆Chongqing]/灯(外一首)Lamp(and another poem) 51茶山青Cha Shanqing [云南Yunnan]/诗七首SevenPoems 51
一邦诗人—北马其顿 POETSFROM ONE NATION—NORTH MACEDONIAVesna Mundishevska-Veljanovska [North Macedonia北马其顿]/Being (and other four poems) 56DanielaAndonovska-Trajkovska 北马其顿]/SINUS: the story of the fraction bar (and other fourpoems) 58Borche Panov 北马其顿]/I was dreaming about my mammoth tusks (and other threepoems) 60
一诗多译 MULTI-VERSIONS OF A POEMIoan Baba 塞尔维亚/罗马尼亚]/Aşaeste–Viceversa (și alte trei poezii) 63
大家评论 MASTER CRIT ICSАхадовЭльдар [Россия俄罗斯]/О природе Мироздания 67王鸣久Wang Mingjiu [中国China]/《苍耳垂风》后记Postscript to “Aged Ears in the Wind”69
世界诗讯 WORLD POETRY NEWSImportant News/《世界诗人书库》(双语对照)征稿启事 70Notice Inviting “The Archive Centre for International Poets”/本刊信息室 71中英对照《帝国诗丛》征稿启事/本刊信息室 71《国际诗歌翻译》稿约Notice of Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly to Contributors/本刊编辑部 72《国际诗歌翻译》季刊订阅表/本刊编辑部 72
中外画家 INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS远村YuanCun [中国China]/Inside Back Cover 封三
名家风采 PROFILES OF PERSONAGE Daniela Andonovska-Trajkovska [North Macedonia北马其顿]/Front Cover 封面乔浩Qiao Hao [中国China]/Inside Front Cover 封二Rehmat Changaizi 巴基斯坦]/Back Cover封底VesnaMundishevska-Veljanovska 北马其顿]/Back Cover 封底Ion-MariusTatomir 罗马尼亚/英国]/Back Cover 封底茶山青Cha Shanqing [中国China]/Back Cover 封底EdnaAphek 以色列]/Back Cover 封底MammadovSahib Aziz Oglu 阿塞拜疆]/Back Cover 封底Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak 波兰]/Back Cover封底IoanBaba 塞尔维亚/罗马尼亚]/Back Cover 封底