燕淑清 发表于 2020-2-21 15:38:27


本帖最后由 燕淑清 于 2020-5-14 15:44 编辑

燕淑清:中国女诗人情怀      (参加TTXV中央电视台, 2019中国世纪大采风年度人物颁奖盛典授奖:中国当代德艺双馨国学诗词名家)

一束舞台银光照在德艺双馨奖杯上这是传承国学赢得荣誉由衷喜爱中华词牌水调歌头韵应邀参加颁奖走在影视城在台上朗颂颁奖感言涓涓自信犹听到奖杯上龙的回音虽然寸草心报得春晖是净化的就像我的雅集初心情永远不会了(TTXV中央电视台, 2019中国世纪大采风年度人物颁奖盛典授奖:中国当代德艺双馨国学诗词名家)

英文翻译:任诚刚(云南农业大学英语教授)Feelings of China Poetess( Participated in the TTXV CCTV, Awarded at the 2019 Chinese Century Collecting Art Person of the Year Award Ceremony:Chinese Contemporary Poetry Masters of Traditional Chinese Studies of Virtue and Art. )A beam of stage silver light on the cup shining,This is the inheritance of traditional Chinese learning to the honor win,The Tune of Chinese Lyrics: Prelude to the Melody of Water I sincerely sing.For the awards walking in the studio city I was invited to attend,On stage to give an award speech with confidence,I still can hear from the cup the echo of the dragon.Although the inch-grass heart purified repay the spring can,In My Graceful Poetic Album it will be kept pursuing the original passion.

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蘭若 发表于 2020-5-14 15:08:56


燕淑清 发表于 2020-5-14 19:53:26

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