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混语版《国际诗歌翻译》2020年第3期 (总第99期)目录

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混语版《国际诗歌翻译》2020年第3期 (总第99期)目录

Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual) Volume 99 (Number 3, 2020) Contents
创刊日期:公元1995年5月8日    出版日期:公元2020年8月8日
(Originally carried on The World Poets, now changed into Rendition of International Poetry)

编者按:A. 本期主力翻译家有:张智中、颜海峰、樱娘、童天鉴日、石永浩、陆峰、齐凤艳、张俊锋、张紫涵、吉玲、陈巍、叶如钢、张智,Jascha Kessler,Maki Starfield,Jun Liu,Liza LEYLA等;
B. 本期涉及的语种有汉语、英语、法语、德语、荷兰语、日语等。

自总第72期开始,本刊开辟了一个新的栏目:“中外画家”。有意登陆“中外画家”的知名画家、实力画家,请直接与本刊联系,电子邮箱E-mail: iptrc1995@126.com,微信:13452083776。



Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly

缪斯信箱      POET’ S MAIL-BOX
Liza LEYLA (Belgium比利时)……………………………致本刊的一封信 4
Rubina Andredakis (Cyprus塞浦路斯)……………………致本刊的一封信 4
汉语法语对照诗集《山境石语》(胡红拴著)出版……………IPTRC 4
汉英对照诗集《云端上的探戈》(陆燕姜著)……………………IPTRC 4
印度超大型诗选Amarvati Poetic Prism 2019’ anthology出版……IPTRC 30

James Sutherland-Smith (Slovakia斯洛伐克)…Blazon (and other two poems) 封二
Luiza CAROL (Israel以色列)………………The Lost Passport (and another poem) 5
Tareq Samin (Bangladesh孟加拉国)……………Another try (and other four poems) 5
徐春芳XU Chunfang (中国China)…记忆的雨滴(外二首)Raindrop of Memory (and other two poems) 8

Liza LEYLA (Belgium比利时)………………Survival? (and other four poems) 9
童天鉴日Tongtian Jianri (中国China)……译后记The Translator’s Postscript 12
Sanaz Davoodzadeh Far (Iran伊朗)………………Poems (and another poem) 13
András Petöcz (Hungary匈牙利)……………………Europe, Metaphorically 15
Rubina-Olga Panaouta (Cyprus塞浦路斯)………………………Persephone 16
段光安DUAN Guang’an (中国China)…残碑(外二首)Deze Stenen (en andere twee gedichten) 17
N V Subbaraman (India印度)………………………………World is Lovely! 18
Panagiota Christopoulou-Zaloni (Greece希腊)……Illusions (and another poem) 19
胡红拴Hu Hongshuan (中国Chine)…题蜡石“雪美人”(外五首)La chrismatite «La beauté de neige» (et cinq autres poèmes) 19
Rubina Andredakis (Cyprus塞浦路斯)……………………………Little Fledging 22
王猛仁WANG Mengren (中国China)…时光之手(外二首)Hand der Zeit (und zwei andere Gedichte) 22
Fiorella Linda Gutiérrez Lupinta (Peru秘鲁)……………………………Eternity 24
マキ・スターフィールド (日本Japan)…幻の影 (そして他の二つの詩) The Phantom’s Shadow (and other two poems) 24
芳竹Carissa M (新西兰New Zealand)…门外的风吹(外一首)The wind outside the door (and another poem) 26
Germain Droogenbroodt (Belgium-Spain比利时-西班牙)……Lonely Goodbye (and another poem) 27
Iakovos Thiras Karamolegkos (Greece希腊)………………Poet (and other three poems) 27
庄伟杰ZHUANG Weijie (澳大利亚Australia)………………………放逐Exile 29
Akhmad Cahyo Setio (Indonesia印度尼西亚)……Just Love Me (and other four poems) 29

中国诗人      POETS IN CHINA
沈宥钧SHEN Youjun (新疆Sinkiang)…………………春天的亚平宁Appennino in Spring 31
蔡丽双CHOI Lai Sheung (香港Hong Kong)…春萌(组章)Spring Sprout (group poems) 31
陆燕姜LU Yanjiang (广东Guangdong)…静物(外五首)Still Objects (and other five poems) 34
张诗剑ZHANG Shijian (香港Hong Kong)…………………………………相思Lovesickness 37
萨仁图娅Saren Tuya (辽宁Liaoning)………………………中华龙鸟The Chinese Pterosaur 37
娄德平LOU Deping (山东Shandong)…………………把冰敲出火Knock out Fire from Ice 37
霍俊明HUO Junming (北京Beijing)…对岸(外一首) The Opposite Shore (and another poem) 38
朱立坤ZHU Likun (湖南Hunan)………………………戏说历史Story-telling of the History 39
周瀚Gladys Hon Chau (香港Hong Kong)………在萨尔斯堡的思念Think of You in Salzburg 39
岳宣义YUE Xuanyi (北京Beijing)……………………光雾山即赋Ode to Guangwu Mountain 39
宝蘭Bao Lan (广东Guangdong)…不再仰望什么(外二首)No More Looking Up (and other two poems) 40
木兰Mu Lan (重庆Chongqing)………………………………………灵芝草Felicitous Plant 41
韩庆成HAN Qingcheng (安徽Anhui)…………………………………………………鸟Birds 42
李尚朝LI Shangchao (重庆Chongqing)……………………最后的圣光The Last Holy Light 42
蔡曜阳CHUA Yiu Yeung Stephen (香港Hong Kong)………………白头翁Chinese Bulbul 43
洪三泰HONG Santai (广东Guangdong)…………………………太阳河The River of Sun 43
蔡佩珊CHUA Pui Shan Linda (香港Hong Kong)………………观落日Watching the Sunset 43
文榕Wen Yong (香港Hong Kong)……………………………青春的光影Shadow of Youth 44
邓攀峰DENG Panfeng (陕西Shaanxi)…男人和女人的百年孤独One Hundred Years of Solitude for Men and Women 44
查镜洲ZHA Jingzhou (安徽Anhui)…迷宫(外二首)The Labyrinth (and other two poems) 47
陈慧雯CHEN Huiwen (香港Hong Kong)………………………………皓月Bright Moon 48
蒋默JIANG Mo (四川Sichuan)…春天的沉思(组诗)Meditation in the Spring (group poems) 48
峭岩Qiao Yan (北京Beijing)…………………………………仰望五月Looking up at May 50
向家青XIANG Jiaqing (重庆Chongqing)…戴口罩(外一首)Wearing Masks (and another poem) 50
陈旭CHEN Xu (福建Fujian)………………………………………青云山The Qingyun Mountain 51
李志亮LI Zhiliang (河南Henan)…金字塔传说(外一首)Legends of the Pyramids (and another poem) 51

Janina Osewska (Poland波兰)………………………an apple orchard (and other three poems) 52

一个诗人       A POET
梁生灵LIANG Shengling (中国China)………………梁氏诗行二十二首22 LIANG Poems 56

大家评论       MASTER CRIT ICS
徐肖楠XU Xiaonan (中国Chine)…以石为诗的沧桑悠远Les vicissitudes et l'ancienneté dans les poèmes au sujet des pierres 64

Important News………………………《世界诗人书库》(双语对照)征稿启事 66
Notice Inviting “The Archive Centre for International Poets”…………本刊信息室 67
重要启事Notice………………………………………………………本刊信息室 67
《国际诗歌翻译》稿约Notice of Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly to Contributors…本刊编辑部 68
《国际诗歌翻译》季刊订阅表………………………………………本刊编辑部 68

袁洪业YUAN Hongye (中国China)………………………Inside Back Cover 封三

蔡丽双CHOI Lai Sheung (香港Hong Kong)…………………Front Cover 封面
James Sutherland-Smith (Slovakia斯洛伐克)…………Inside Front Cover 封二
Liza LEYLA (Belgium比利时)………………………………Back Cover 封底
蒋默JIANG Mo (中国China)…………………………………Back Cover 封底
Janina Osewska (Poland波兰)…………………………………Back Cover 封底
Iakovos Thiras Karamolegkos (Greece希腊)…………………Back Cover 封底
梁生灵LIANG Shengling (中国China)………………………Back Cover 封底
Tareq Samin (Bangladesh孟加拉国)…………………………Back Cover 封底
マキ・スターフィールド (日本Japan)……………………Back Cover 封底
陆燕姜LU Yanjiang (中国China)……………………………Back Cover 封底


△本刊对来稿除进行技术性的处理外,一般不作删改。由于时间和人力有限,所有来稿,请提供两种或多语种的电子文本,并附个人生平与艺术简历一份、彩色照片二帧,资料不足者不予受理。E-mail:iptrc@126.com, iptrc@163.com

Notice of Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly to Contributors

△ This journal is the only quarterly for the purely modern poems published in the multilingual languages such as Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Greek and the contributor’s mother tongue, founded on May 8, 1995, circulated in over 190 countries. It is a joint journal for members of The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre (IPTRC), International Writers and Artists Association (IWA) and International Society of Greek Writers & Arts (ISGWA).
△ Welcome are those poetic works, poetic criticisms, poetic stories and interviews of poets, critics, translators and sinologists and historical materials.
△ Contributions will not be revised except for some technical treatment. Due to the limitation of time and manpower, all contributions including a short resume of your art experience and achievement and two color photographs must be written in two or more than two kinds of languages and sent via e-mail to: iptrc@126.com or iptrc@163.com. No contribution will be accepted if it is inadequate.
△ No contribution will be returned.
△ Contributors are responsible for legal matters. This journal is not jointly responsible for the illegal writings and pictures.
△ This journal has the right to select and publish the writings and pictures published in this journal.
△ Welcome to contribution and subscription. Anyone who subscribed this journal will be favored in his contribution provided that his is equally qualified as others. Price: 1 year (4 issues) US$60.00 or EUR60.00.
△ All publishing expenditures are raised by the editors (No financial allocations), and there is no pay for contributions. You will be offered a copy of our journal when your contribution is published.
△ Please mail to: Dr. ZHANG ZHI
The Journal of Rendition of International Poetry,
   P. O. Box 031, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District,
Chongqing City 400020,

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin ... 51721679&lang=zh_CN

nczy627188 发表于 2020-6-10 17:02:02

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查看完整版本: 混语版《国际诗歌翻译》2020年第3期 (总第99期)目录