Mustn't lose at start line(1)
—— Auth: Li Shichun / Changchun City, China - 30, Jun. 2021
—— En Trans: Li Shichun / Changchun City, China - 30, Jun. 2021
“ 爷爷,爷爷告诉我,
So young is Jiji
As curious about all
Let me know, grandpa
Who is San Fu,
Where does he live?
Oh, from the date of Summer Solstice,
1, 2, 3, ... let's count, about 20 days,
The hot rains, winds, and sweats
Ah, together come in our house,
Pestering us all days as partners.
(立 意:傍晚乘凉 聊天纪实 / Conception:the record of actual events while enjoying the cool in the evening)