本帖最后由 燕淑清 于 2020-2-21 15:11 编辑
那刻乡愁 作者:燕淑清 英譯:林琳(香港詩人) 童年,是一根长长红头绳 这头,缠在我头顶 那头,牵在娘亲手里头 顺着慢日子爬上老屋青枣树上 少女,是一张改过日期的绿车票 我,颤惊惊坐在里头 等在外头,是娘亲的泪 追着铁轨眼前闪出是土炕 为母,是一封没有寄出的八分邮票 我,放在老妈的墓里 这是,最后一封家书 封闭在一个药瓶里 老了,是一首《我曾在万人坑当过解说员》 我,总想为他们做点什么 将来,面对我曾经摸过的累累白骨头 无愧老妈妈戴过的军帽
(英译1) 香港:林琳 Nostalgia at that Moment By Yan Shuqing Translatedby Lin Lin(Hong Hong poetess) When I waslittle , time was a long red-headed string, One end,wrapped around my head, The otherend, in my mother's hand, Climbed upthe old house jujube tree along the slow day.
When I wasyoung , time was a green train ticket with a date changed, I, sittingin tremor, Outside,mother wasfull of tears. When I waschasing the rails, the Kangflashed out in front of me.
When Ibecame a mother , time was an eight-cent stamp that hasn't been sent out, I put it inmy mother's grave, This was thelast home letter Closed in amedicine bottle.
When I amold, time will be a song 《I used to bea commentator in a mass grave》, I alwayswant to do something for them. In thefuture, facing the skeletons I have touched, Worthy of mymother’s military cap.