本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-1-18 16:43 编辑
案上梅香邀月醉 林中笛韻逐雲飛 柳絲能挽吾郎住 春雨可呼紫燕歸
True Feelings And Real Intention
The flute rhyme pursues theclouds flying in the forest The plum fragrance invitesthe moon to be drunk on the desk The spring rain can call thepurple swallows to return The willow silks can keep my boyfriend
1/17/2020格律體新詩 ● 七絕羅志海著譯 Metric New Poetry ●Seven Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9317首對聯體詩 The 9,317th Two Pairs ofCouplets
后记: 对联体诗遵循《对联体诗律则(草稿)》 http://www.chinapoesy.com/gongxiang0f118713-2e73-4971-bb68-70659d9c3f8c.html写作,每一句字数由三言至二十一言不等,共四句(绝句),是一种格律体新诗。目前国内有几十位诗人参与创作。