本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-1-23 20:28 编辑
船帆天際失 皎月水中沉 雙塔巍然景 孤峰正直心
The Beautiful Sceneries
The boat sails disappeared at the horizon The bright moon sank in the water Honest heart of the lonely peak Towering scenery of the Twin Towers
1/23/2020格律體新詩 ● 五絕羅志海著譯 Metric New Poetry ●Five Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9346首對聯體詩 The 9,346th Two Pairs of Couplets
後記: 對聯體詩遵循《對聯體詩律則(草稿)》