本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-1-26 08:38 编辑
一湖碧水晃山影 百树红花衬草光 野径清风摇弱柳 晴空秋雁过寒塘
Hill Light And Water Color
The emerald water in a lake shakes hill shadows The red flowers in a hundred trees foil of grass light On the wild path, the cool breeze shakes the weak willows The autumn wild geese pass over the cold pool in the sunny sky
1/25/2020大年初一 格律体新诗 ● 七绝罗志海著译 In First Day of the Lunar Year Metric New Poetry ● Seven Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9353首对联体诗 The 9,353th Two Pairs of Couplets
后记: 对联体诗遵循《对联体诗律则(草稿)》