本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-2-5 16:55 编辑
彩墨染相思真情寄月 高杯欣共勉傲骨披风 穿梭八九殿泳潜深府 奋斗二十年遐迩著名
The colorful ink dyeing lovesickness, the true feeling to moon A goblet happy to be mutual encouragement, dress in wind the proud bones Shuttling through eight or nine palaces and swimming and diving in the deep hell Twenty years of struggle, I am far and near well-known
Note: first and fourth sentences by Luo Zhihai. Second and third sentences by Hao Zhenqing.
2/4/2020格律体新诗 ● 九绝 罗志海译 Metric New Poetry ● Nine Words of Quatrain Translation by Luo Zhihai 第9398首对联体诗
The9,398th Two Pairs of Couplets
后记: 对联体诗遵循《对联体诗律则(草稿)》 写作,每一句字数由三言至二十一言不等,共四句(绝句),是一种格律体新诗。目前国内有几十位诗人参与创作。 https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/a-jeweled-palace/#content