本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-2-9 11:10 编辑
啟窗夜半聽春雨 剪燭更闌思故朋 只手摘星非易事 雙眉聚月是深情
Moonlit Night
I opened the window and listened to the spring rain at the midnight I cut the candle wick and thought about my friends at the late night
One hand picking a star isn’t an easy thing Double eyebrows gathering a moon is in the deep feeling
2/8/2020格律體新詩 ● 七絕羅志海著譯 Metric New Poetry ● Seven Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9426首對聯體詩 The9,426th Two Pairs of Couplets
後記: 對聯體詩遵循《對聯體詩律則(草稿)》