The Planet On The Table —— by Wallace - Stevens( US / 1879 -1955)
—— 原 著 / 华莱士 · 史蒂文斯(美国 / 1879 -1955 ) 诗 坛 博 星
—— 解 读 - 翻 译 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2019. 12. 27
Ariel was glad he had written his poems. 嗨吧,为诗——你的造化 诗意灵感出处方
They were of a remembered time 你的精灵,嗨吧,为诗—— 方面面时时瞬间
Or of something seen that he liked. 你那魂牵流光,啊——梦绕美景 可用心乐观发现
Other makings of the sun 余者——垃圾,太阳垃圾—— 素材力求优选
Were waste and welter 荒漠,废墟,老荆,虬棘 ... ... 规避粗陋一般
And the ripe shrub writhed. 蛮蛮寂野,不堪——唉——提笔
His self and the sun were one 诗,彰你天性,诗,显你阳光 文若其人,心
And his poems, although makings of his self, 诗,诗,你的诗章—— 态阳光正能量
Were no less makings of the sun. 宣你本色呀——誓比太阳 真善美为导向
It was not important that they survive. 诗,不争传世,诗,不为永恒
What mattered was that they should bear 诗,不求悉数——被认领 诗作越简捷独到、写真深刻到
Some lineament or character, 诗,要言简意赅,诗,要主题鲜明 位、富有现实性,越有历史性
Some affluence, if only half-perceived, 诗啊——你的灵性——你的神明 诗书志写情,要意象鲜明,言
In the poverty of their words, 她要宏蕴呀——宏蕴——丰盈 之有物,掷地有声,宁半字半
Of the planet of which they were part. 纵你一绽,只那半颗——半颗星 声,不苟求人人、句句可读懂
The Planet On The Table —— by Wallace - Stevens( US / 1879 -1955)
诗坛/诗界/业界上/里的行星 —— 原 著 / 华莱士 · 史蒂文斯(美国 / 1879 -1955 )
—— 解 读 - 翻 译 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2019. 12. 27
Ariel was glad he had written his poems. 嗨吧!为诗——你的造化 诗意灵感来自方
They were of a remembered time 你的精灵,嗨吧!为诗—— 方面面处处瞬间
Or of something seen that he liked. 你那魂牵流光,啊!——梦绕美景; 可用心乐观发现
Other makings of the sun 余者?余者?——垃圾,太阳垃圾—— 素材力求优选
Were waste and welter 荒漠,废墟,老荆,虬棘 规避粗陋一般
And the ripe shrub writhed. 蛮蛮寂野... ... 不堪——唉!——提笔;
His self and the sun were one 诗!彰你天性,诗!显你阳光 文若其人,心
And his poems, although makings of his self, 诗!诗!你的诗章—— 态阳光正能量
Were no less makings of the sun. 宣你本色呀!——誓比太阳! 真善美为导向
It was not important that they survive. b 诗,不争传世,诗,不为永恒
What mattered was that they should bear 诗,不求悉数——被认领 诗作越简捷独到、写真深刻到
Some lineament or character, 诗!要言简意赅,诗!要轮廓特性鲜明, 位、富有现实性,越有历史性
Some affluence, if onlyhalf-perceived, 诗啊——你的诗!——你的神灵! 诗书志写情要意象鲜明 In thepoverty of their words, 她要宏蕴呀!——宏蕴——丰盈! 言之有物掷地有声宁半
Of the planet of which theywere part. 纵你一展——只那半颗!——半颗星! 字半声不苟求人人读懂
译 注 / 译 后 感
a. 想必悉数读者已看到:诗歌是在表现诗人自己对好诗的一种评估及要求
b. 此处 It 无所指代,仅做先行主语
c. 一个单词、一个文字,无论中外,其真正含义、生命活力,不仅在专家学者的词典、时尚强大的百度,也不仅在词法、句法、语法,而更多体现在实地的、首发的、首创的第一语言、语句、语境、篇章的字里行间