I picked chrysanthemums and returned, rosy clouds full in my basket
I walked up on stick, dews on my whole body
Lake and sky in the same color fought for a full moon
The wind and rain in a thousand mountains washed dust and filth
4/16/2020格律體新詩 ● 七絕羅志海著譯
Metric New Poetry ● Seven Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
The 9,897th Two Pairs of Couplets
Two Pairs of Couplets is written in accordance with The Rule Of Two Pairs Of Couplets (Draft). The number of words in each sentence varies from three words to twenty-one words. There are four sentences (quatrains) in total. It is a kind of new poetry in the style of rhyme.
At present, dozens of poets have participated in the creation in China. http://www.chinapoesy.com/gongxi ... 8-70659d9c3f8c.html https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-shore-wild/#content