本帖最后由 悟道空空 于 2020-11-12 11:24 编辑王萌诗二首 英译 著名翻译家、诗人,上海世博会首席翻译官秋子树翻译◆山中一日
(选自 组诗《故人庄》)(简介:王萌,男,1972.5月生。河北沧州中捷农场人,中国诗歌学会、河北省作家协会会员,中捷诗词协会副会长。作品500余篇散见于《诗选刊》《诗歌月刊》《诗刊》《绿风》《知音》等报刊。诗论四篇《明天将会出现什么样的词》、《现实主义诗歌在当代》等约两万字发表于《诗歌报月刊》。曾参加河北省第三届青年诗会,入选2019、2020年度《诗选刊》河北诗人专号,获诗神杯校园诗特别奖、锦江杯一等奖,新世纪杯一等奖,《中国诗人》2018年度九子岩诗歌奖、《白洋淀》建国七十周年征文一等奖,《方向》诗刊2019全国诗赛一等奖。分别受著名诗人李轻松、赵之逵推荐入选《诗刊》2019、2020年度E 首诗栏目。王蒙文学院环渤海文化签约诗人,中国诗歌在线新汉诗十九首栏目版主。曾接受《沧州日报》、《大众阅读报》专版报道。著有诗集《风起渤海湾》。)
Two Poems Written by Meng WangTrans. by: Ben Duan
◆A Day in the Mountain
In the mountain, I’ve learned climbing, stooping, yieldingSaluting to flowers and trees, greeting to flying birdsAlso seeing a man how to carry logs on his shoulderI know though the opening and closing hills are not high, and running streams are not longYet they can invent a rainbow, which brings me down to the mortal world
This is the rock I’veever met in my life, the zigzag waterThey travelled together from a height, not knowing each other Since its birth, it has a harder life than mine, so many wrinkles Why does it lead such a bitter life? Precipitous, bizarre Full of landslides, or ambushes
Retreating to cold remoteness does not make the mountain widerIt keeps watching the house gate, freeing only a pathway To the streamSquirrels and butterflies lightly jump over those branches Which have made my crawling extremely difficult
The mountain has always attracted me, especially theemergence of the gorgeThe pond water chisels through rocks, pines and cypresses overhang The sunshine and the moonlight alternately run through peaks I know this is a day in the mountain, yet behind my shadowUsually another kind of crawling is reflected
Being a hermit, or grass, an axe and trees Does time stop, seeing another myself? An immortal lives a day as a life Discarding the rotten haft, crushed stones
A mountain breeze blowing toward me is sharp-pointed and fragrant, gradually blowing overThe already washed world
◆All Things are Phonic
Everything has intelligence, capable of hearing sadness from the sunshineRush, flying or pauseNot because of its tiredness it can sing or speak outIt has wind’s courage Being reincarnated in the mortal world
During listening, there is no difference between Downpours and severe heatLike falling flowers, this sound is heavier, smashing all thingsFrom which I failed to escape The summer comes without delay, together with the singing Overturning human feeling, romance, nobodies
I seeweeds being burned, yet they now sprout new budsAll things are phonic, only few are being heard Under a clear sky, after singing, the purity you want to seeLike the slow moving yellow sand Together with time disappearing by accident
Yet it’s not imaginary I remember one man was writing eulogy, with a coarse voiceHe wanted to let go rivers in his body, let dreams advance More people survived thanks to the singing Thanks to the sound of all things
Likethunders, it ends its sad melody once it uttersLike proverbs, reborn, still cannot escape from Destiny of straw ashes All things change by the world, only the sound can escape From the world
The sound of all things. I believe silence is just The rest of souls, bodies are growing The sky is bending down to the earth, which is The bright man listening to the existed things And things in the possibility of advent
Lightning returns to chorus, and more peopleAre on the journey
(Selected from the suite poem Old Friend Village )