本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-2-6 06:40 编辑
寂院柴籬欣千百鮮花翩彩蝶悠姿美美 寒冬臘月陪兩三好友泡溫泉熱氣騰騰 舟甯渡暗綠柳石橋靜岸臥迎提槳便返人美夜幽紅荷金桂嬌鶯鳴唱望風而興 注:第一三句郝振清作,第二四句羅志海作
Wonderful Life
A wood fence around the silent courtyard hundreds of the fresh flowers the colorful butterflies dancing leisurely and beautifully
In the severe winter steaming hot I accompany two or three good friends to enjoy a hot spring
Boats are peaceful at the dark ferry the green willows and the stone bridge the silent shore lying and greeting he holds an oar returning
Beauties are beautiful in the secluded evening the red lotus and the golden laurel the tender orioles are singing who rises up on hearing the wind
Note: first and third sentences by Hao Zhenqing. Second and fourth sentences by Luo Zhihai.
2/5/2020格律體新詩 ● 十六絕 羅志海譯 Metric New Poetry ● Sixteen Words of Quatrain Translation by Luo Zhihai 第9401首對聯體詩
The 9,401thTwo Pairs of Couplets
後記: 對聯體詩遵循《對聯體詩律則(草稿)》 寫作,每一句字數由三言至二十一言不等,共四句(絕句),是一種格律體新詩。目前國內有幾十位詩人參與創作。