本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-2-6 06:53 编辑
把酒阅春迷蒙中渐入诗田画境 推窗听海澎湃处闲观燕舞鸥鸣 兰舟默默秋水泱泱迷谷树坚挺 月影疏疏心香缕缕玫瑰花聘婷
Holding a cup of wine in the misty spring I gradually entered the scene of poetry field and the state of painting Pushing the window to listen to the surging sea I watched the petrels dancing and the seagulls singing
The orchid boat was silent the autumn water was overflowing the migu trees were firm Shadow of moon was sparse wisps of the heart fragrances the roses were charming
2/5/2020格律体新诗 ● 十三绝罗志海著译 Metric New Poetry ● Thirteen Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9402首对联体诗 The 9,402th Two Pairs of Couplets
后记: 对联体诗遵循《对联体诗律则(草稿)》