本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-2-7 10:18 编辑
現在請吃飯都是赴鴻門宴 這時去訪朋等於充敢死兵 千軍四路正滅絕肺炎病毒 萬眾一心定戰勝淒雨孤燈
Defeat Pneumonia Virus
Now it's Hongmen Feast to have dinner To visit friends at this time is to be a brave soldier All of us are determined to defeat the chilly rain and the lonely lamp Thousands of troops are killing pneumonia virus
注:2020年2月5日上午九時多,我戴著口罩上街買了幾斤菜。路過廣東省海豐縣海城鎮第三中學校門口右側圍牆,一幅大橫紅布標語宣:“現在請吃飯都是鴻門宴”。非常時期,抗擊新型冠狀病毒肺炎,街上行人沒幾個。 Note: at about 9:00 am on February 5, 2020, I put on my mask and went to the street to buy a few Jin of vegetables. Passing by the wall on the right side of the Third Middle School in Haicheng Town, Haifeng County, Guangdong Province, a large horizontal red cloth slogan proclaims: "it's Hongmen feast to have dinner now.".During the emergency period, there were few pedestrians on the street to fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia.
2/6/2020格律體新詩 ● 十一絕羅志海著譯 Metric New Poetry ● Eleven Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9407首對聯體詩 The 9,407th Two Pairs of Couplets
後記: 對聯體詩遵循《對聯體詩律則(草稿)》