现在请吃饭都是鸿门宴 今时探亲友或成落凤坡 铲除肺炎播洒瑞祥春雨 消灭瘟疫频传胜利凯歌 Wuhan refueling Now it's Hongmen Feast tohave dinner Today may be in the Fallen Phoenix Slope to visit relativesand friends Eliminate pneumonia and the auspicious spring rain isspread Eliminate pestilence and the victory songs frequentlyis spread 注:2020年2月5日上午九时多,我戴着口罩上街买了几斤菜。路过广东省海丰县海城镇第三中学校门口右侧围墙,一幅大横红布标语宣:“现在请吃饭都是鸿门宴”。非常时期,抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎,街上行人没几个。 Note: at about 9:00 am onFebruary 5, 2020, I put on my mask and went to the street to buy a few Jin ofvegetables. Passing by the wall on the right side of the Third Middle School inHaicheng Town, Haifeng County, Guangdong Province, a large horizontal red clothslogan proclaims: "it's Hongmen feast to have dinner now.". Duringthe emergency period, there were few pedestrians on the street to fight againstthe new coronavirus pneumonia. 2/6/2020格律体新诗 ● 十绝罗志海著译 Metric New Poetry ●Ten Words ofQuatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9409首对联体诗 The 9,409th Two Pairs ofCouplets 后记: 对联体诗遵循《对联体诗律则(草稿)》写作,每一句字数由三言至二十一言不等,共四句(绝句),是一种格律体新诗。目前国内有几十位诗人参与创作。