本帖最后由 罗志海 于 2020-2-11 07:32 编辑
拈花有意闲中觅 沐月多情梦里寻 精卫衔石填欲海 杜鹃泣血唤春心
Flower, Moon And Bird With Emotion Having a mind to pick up a flower in the leisure time Bathing in the moonlight with emotion to seek in the dream Jingwei taking stone to fill the sea of desire Cuckoos weeping blood to call the heart of spring
2/10/2020格律体新诗 ● 七绝罗志海著译 Metric New Poetry ● Seven Words of Quatrain by Luo Zhihai
第9436首对联体诗 The 9,436th Two Pairs of Couplets
后记: 对联体诗遵循《对联体诗律则(草稿)》