In silence
her face was as cold as ice
as if cut by a knife
On the speechless place
her eyes glittered like water
I was so fascinated in sorrow
Her charming posture and her beautiful figure
gracefully erecting
soft and weak
Her cool fingers and its clear music
pleasing to the ear
elegant and graceful to play
the long flute was slow
Note: first and fourth sentences by Luo Zhihai.
Second and third sentences by Ye Yexin.
2/19/2020格律体新诗 ● 十三绝 罗志海译
Metric New Poetry ● Thirteen Words of Quatrain
Translation by Luo Zhihai
The 9,496th Two Pairs of Couplets
对联体诗遵循《对联体诗律则(草稿)》 ... 8-70659d9c3f8c.html写作,每一句字数由三言至二十一言不等,共四句(绝句),是一种格律体新诗。目前国内有几十位诗人参与创作。